MovieChat Forums > Transporter 3 (2008) Discussion > The Sequels Got Too Serious..

The Sequels Got Too Serious..

The 3rd Movie was bad on so many levels.I have no problem with the impossible stunts - that has been a hollywood trademark for 20 years.But I have a problem with the way the scenes were edited - they were moments in the chases or the fighting that were Fast Forwarded of sorts.And instead of getting a pacy scene,we kinda skip to the ending.Also the annoying and terrible chick - her presence and her acting was terrible.There is no way Frank Martin would end up with her.And it was a bit strange that she is this drug taking,vodka drinking loose slut,but she happens to know all of the best and fancy restaurants in Europe.It just doesn't make much sense.Also the Movies got too serious.I liked the tone of the first one witch is the best and the only one that i could watch over and over again.But the sequels got too serious - frank martin saving the world,having these deep conversations.Not the type of movie.And abviously not a strong point of Besson.The first transporter was closer to Taxi and that makes it really watchable.You can sit with your friends and watch it over and over and have fun.You can't do that with the sequels.They are just boring.I think i could write and direct a better Transporter.And really of all the Eastern European beauties ,they've picked this chick?!?!? You have seen Olga Kyrilenko and Mila Kunis right?
