MovieChat Forums > Transporter 3 (2008) Discussion > If you needed to go from A to B asap, wh...

If you needed to go from A to B asap, who would use as your driver?

Would you use Frank Martin(Jason Stratham) and Tarconi(Francois Berleand)?
PROS: has a permanent 5 o clock shadow and smart ass comments,kick ass body for defence, access to beautiful cars and cool working class English accent OR

Man on Fire; Creasy(Denzel Washington) and Rayburn(Christopher Walken)?
PROS: Likes children, RPGs, uses explosives while interrogating a person, pit-bull no die attitude and has Christopher Walken as a friend OR

BULLITT; Steve Mc Queen with the 1968 Mustang Gt period! OR

DRIVE; with Ryan Gosling= "A chump change Noob"

Any other driver films are acceptable but please explain why?

"This is like DIE HARD SH_T!SOPRANOS:Pine Barrens


The team from Ronin.

Cool Ice cold


Sorry guys, but Frank and Tarconi have nothing on Han Solo and Chewbacca..

and possibly that furry flying thing from The Never Ending Story, but only if I was high at the time :)

“You’ve never heard of the Millennium Falcon? … It’s the ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs.”


This, my friend, is hilarious!!!

Yes, the furry flying dog-like creature from NES would be my first choice. Then Han Solo and Chewbacca. Then, possibly, the Bandit and Cledus from "Smokey and the Bandit."



Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed.

But only if Sally Field is riding shotgun, and keeps her mouth shut.

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"...and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped."


why Steve McQueen of course.. his is legendary he used to actually race cars in real life,, I've heard interviews with stunt people in the field who say that McQueen didn't really need any teaching, and he tought the stunt people a few tricks himself.

are you going to bark all day little doggie,, or are you going to bite
