MovieChat Forums > Transporter 3 (2008) Discussion > Better then Transporter 2?

Better then Transporter 2?

Is it?


Not in this lifetime.

I loved the first 2 Transporters. No.3 was watchable, but a bit of a letdown for mine.


Each has different opinions so you can't expect an answer suitable to you unless you ask your twin xD

I thought this was the best of the series.


Not at all...not in any way actually. 2 was good, 1 was the best I exact order 1,2,3 lol


3 is the only good one so far. 2 was okay.


Theyre both about the same. 3 had a better story if you ignore the fact that Frank's job really did not need a transporter but 2 had better fights and not such an annoying female character.

I'd say 2 was still better because of the awesome fire hose fight scene.


Surprisingly close, but 2 is better.

It has action scenes which are just as good, more entertaining supporting characters that aren't annoying. Best plot in the series.

Number 3 has probably some of the best imagery in the series with some of the coolest concepts. Greatest villain too. The main problem is the annoying girl and the plot which is boring and slows the film tremendously.


If you'd say: more annoying, I would agree.


It was much better than 2, which was ridiculous. Almost as good as the first one.


I thought transporter 1 was a good watch. highly entertaining.

transporter 2 was more of the same... wears out a little.
transporter 3 was one package too many.


Way better.

Transporter 2 was a confused mess in my opinion. Transporter 3 had a clearer plot and more likeable characters.

§ Everything is possible, and nothing is sure.


I preferred #2. It had more colorful villains and action sequences.

Part 3 had some OK bits - like the part on the train - but overall, it was a letdown.


Yes. I didn't like the second so much. First is still the king.
