In defense of Natalya
When I first saw T3... I didn't care that much for it and I figured that the girl would get bashed so hard online. Thats why I came on here I knew people who have major insecurity issues who rant online about how ugly people are, would be here doing exactly that. Yes she has TONS of freckles.... but dermatologists say we all have them, some aree just bigger and more noticeable. And women who tan too much have sun spots, skin damage and look older than they are. Fair skin women get picked on alot and women with freckles. I model and i gotta say she is not ugly she just isn't as gorgeous as the other women in the other transporter movies. What ruined it is her acting. Her character was a bit annoying. If her acting was superb and she knew how to act sexy, people wouldn't be focusing as much on her looks. And btw if a makeup artist put 4 gallons of foundation on her and if her pix were photoshopped like the rest of the girls who model you would not even notice! women get insecure about their freckles and cover them up and have them lasered... its very sad. LOVE YOURSELF... we all have flaws, and it depends on the person who finds who attractive. she has amazing eyes and body... it was her acting and god-awful movies lines that wrecked it. but i admire her for not wearing a ton of cover up for her freckles. I'm also a lesbian and i like women with less freckles than natalya has. But so what? it doesn't make her ugly just cuz she isn't hollywood gorgeous? if she isn't your type, move on lol its just a movie. also they put too much eye makeup on her. she has beautiful eyes, and the goth eyeliner looked bad. oh and btw i have some freckles too... get over it. people need to relax and not be so harsh. It reflects poorly on your character and your principles. It makes you look like an insecure douche ... and btw orange skin and fake tans scare me!!! natural is best! so whatever u find sexy must be orange skin and fake boobs lol... if thats your taste, so be it. but keep your nasty comments to yourself. your parents didn't raise you this way