Season one was very titillating, very erotic with great flesh from beautiful women, and men. This second season is just really lame. Why Do TV producers do this to their audience? They lure you in with tons of nakedness in the first season then they turn the second into a typical boring, lame soap opera.
i don't know but it seems like a really dumb thing to do. I don't get it.
Don't listen to it. Season two is just as good, and especially if you are a fan of Madeleine... definitely pick up season two, she has been absolutely mind blowing... what they've done with her character this season has been amazing. It's only the start of the year, but I'm fairly sure come AFI awards time in December she'll walk away with Best Actress in a Television Drama... she's just been awe-inspiring.
There's always been so much more to the story than T&A, tantalizing as that may be. I'm glad that season 2 focused more on the relationships than the clientele, but didn't completely ignore the latter. Season 1 set the audience up to feel intimate with the girls and the stories, so it's only appropriate that the second season took a more personal turn. I don't mind very much.
Go take a step outside - see what's shaking in the real world.
i thought season 2 was on par if not better than season 1, i don't know what you're talking about. love how the characters have grown and there is still just as many nude scenes. The writing and storyline has improved and that is what good TV is, not just the sexy bits.
I agree, they shouldn't lower the nudity content. Most people are watching to see a little bit of female skin for a change. There are enough series out there that show EVERYTHING men have (such as Oz, Queer as Folk, etc) why not have a tv series that shows some good female nudity AND also has a good plot and acting? It's stupid for them to water it down. If anything, they should INCREASE the female nudity and show us more vagina! If women had to show their vaginas (instead of just boobs) every time that a man is expected to show his penis, then we would finally have some fairness and equality, and I would be a happy man...
i think season two started off well but things just didnt go developed. like what was the purpose of tippis death when i learned of this before watching the season i was like hmm maybe a murder mystery not just out of the blue. i figured it wouldve been martin or something else killing her. her being killed by some drug dealer who looks like he wasnt anyhthing but a low level guy. the story couldve been served better by nicks killer coming back and reaking havoc on the girls. the guy tippi was with said you dont know who your messing with ugh obviously not someone big for him to be caught by jimmy.
the second season just foiled with the sean story just walking around 232 like it was his house and in the rooms. if nat caught wind of that shed have him kicked out. i was schocked they didnt bring clients from the first season back. the first season was a game changer for me something new and fresh but the second season just didnt deliver like it shouldve. laurens story was alright, mels was fantastic and sean was a great addition. i sit here and ten minutes into season three i knew i shouldnt even bother chloe gone and heather gone enough said. a show cant just have that drastic of a cast change with little explanation. i want to know why they werent brought back or why the actress' decided to leave. and readinf from the synopis' of season three it doesnt seem like its worth watching oh well it is what it is.
"Since the dawn of our species man has been blessed with curiousity."
the point of the Tippi death was the actress wanted to movies in America. So far she has been Drag Me to Hell and that lame Mel Gibson movie with the bad Boston Accent. Good Luck to her. Also for some reason alot of the women left in season 2.
I can't believe anyone thinks there is more male frontal nudity out there than female nudity.
You could just include gratuitous full frontal male nudity in every film and TV show from now on, and in 10 years, it would level the playing field from the brothel scene in Gangs of New York alone.
//spoiler// I agree. Just watched the first two episodes of Season 3. On my rating scale it went from a fantastic 10/10 (Seasons 1 & 2) to a dismal WTF 3/10 really fast. It is devastating for fans of Satisfaction to experience that many main characters all leave at once, and then to create depressing and quite radical character shifts (mostly Mel)for the remaining ones. Yuck! The schizophrenia character episode was painful. Did the old writers leave as well?