Season 2 is bad, so far
They've gone into the rabbit hole of idiotic mysteries that only fool gullible teenagers.
Season 1 was bad, but we still watch it because there hasn't been a good TV show in years. The plot is weak, childlike and tedious. Instances like the guy who reverted the severance and died or the black woman that killed the security employee went nowhere. But season 2 gets even more annoying.
The premise is flawed: the severed people already know that they put their other selves in a slave condition. And they happily chose to do that because they're selfish. The "inners", on the other hand, choose to be obedient, just like in that episode of black mirror with Jon Hamm, because living is better than ceasing to exist. So, that should be the end of it. Everything in between is a waste of time.
BUT, season 2 gets worse, adding even more meaningless drama and suspense, like a cheap soap opera.
I miss good tv.