Satanic names (should this be worrying?)
I have only seen a little bit of this weirdly intriquing show, but I noticed that some of the the names are really horrific.
It seems that so many people are either HELLy, HELen, Natalie (Lie + (s)atan), or KILmer (Kill + mer - maybe a hint to killing mercy, like 'cremating care', for those that get the reference)
It's like.. what the ..??
I just noticed this about a few names, but I wouldn't be surprised if this trend was all over the place. They just can't resist, can they? Always the masonic or satanic symbolism one way or another.
Even the name 'Harmony', which should be just an innocent, uplifting word, looks a bit different when you stop to think about it. "Har" is a 'pirate laugh', and skull&crossbones people are nothing if not pirates (jolly roger is the pirage symbol, is it not?)
Of course the 'mony' part looks like the word 'money', which is the tool they are using to enslave people (money is basically chains they can use to make people work in a wage slavery system). It also seems to be a false god people worship these days.
Well, maybe ALL of it is just a coincidence, but it does strike me as slightly worrisome. Hidden in plain sight and all that.