Fudgin Fantastic!!! But.. Questions..
Hello all..
I loved the movie. I thought it was a good watch. I just like the whole scene and what it was about. I was born in the 80's so, I missed out. I would have went crazy in those days and did every drug under the sun. I just like the whole hippy thing. They had a good thing going back then. Back to the movie...
Why didnt we get to see any Woodstock stuff? I mean, I'm probably alone on this, but I wouldnt want to see some drunk woman they found on the street to play Janis or some black dude from the local food store to play Jimi, but some kind of close-up would have been nice. I liked the scene from far back though. The "sea of people" scene was awesome too. He could have atleast tried to get closer and after realizing it was too far ahead had just walked back. I want some crowd shots!!
When he was taking the LSD trip, was that a three-sum they had there?? That was a wild scene. Hs anyone taken that stuff before?? Does it really make everything so bright like that?? Or was their "stuff" more "Beautiful" than anything ever found today?? Todays LSD will probably kill us..
Was all the gay stuff necessary? I mean, I dont have a problem with the gays, but there was so little gay stuff in this movie that they coulda just kept it out all together. After Demitri met the other guy and asked about the beer, I was like "Wait a min! Wait a min!! Demitri is fancy in this movie?". So I found out he was gay before all the other gay stuff happend. So was it really necessary to put the actual acts in here?? It was a shocker thats all. I knew about Michael Lang before I saw this movie, nothing about Demitri's character. It just blew me away that he would take that step in a movie.
And by God!! How about that Michael Lang!! Was he cool as a breeze or what!?!? That guy coulda sold me anything with that attitude. "That is some really good chocolate milk". Everything to him was "Beautiful, cool, far-out, and groovy". What a way to go through life.. lol.. Even the $75,000 was "Cool".. lol..
Thats all I got.. Great movie that I'll see again.. Enjoy yourself people!!
Turkish: You take sugar?
Brick Top: No thank you, Turkish; I'm sweet enough..