Bad things about hippies

Hippies were self-indulgent and self-absorbed. They thought the world owed them something. White guys would grow their hair and be a hippie then get busted and complain about being discriminated against. But the white guy could cut his hair and go to court while the black guys couldn't change their skin color and just kept getting sent to jail for nothing. The hippies had no idea how bad things were for poor people, illegals, African-Americans, migrant workers, bargaining unit employees with no barganing. They were stoned nearly all the time and did way too many drugs. The clothes fashions were really awful.



Actually, they didn't think the world owed them something -- except, perhaps, a bit more peace & understanding, but then they thought the world owed that to everyone. Or, rather, that everyone in the world deserved it.

You're talking about a mass-media, one-dimensional image of hippies that was constructed by the mainstream & sold as the real thing. That has nothing to do with real hippies. I knew quite a few, and they were decent, caring people who'd share what little they had with you without a second thought.


I agree with Owlwise. Hippies were practicing and spreading peace and love to everyone and anyone.
They wanted the war-ridden world to be a place where people could live in peace and harmony, not greed and war.
They tried hard to change the world and they did.
I have never thought of them or met any hippie back int he day that thought the world owed them. They also were not racist, skin colour meant nothing in their world.

If it harms none, do what thou wilt.
