MovieChat Forums > Taking Woodstock (2009) Discussion > Stay away from this pile of *beep*

Stay away from this pile of *beep*

Seriously One of the worst films I've ever seen.
The end.


Maaaan, The Doors weren't even at Woodstock, so how could you tell?!
Go take a hike on Moonlight Drive or something.


Okay - what was wrong with it, exactly?

Somebody help me sing! Can anybody hear me?


hater end of !!!
where is the peace and love!
We shall never ever see such a true concert like this in our lifetimes ever again!
All that counts nowadays is how many ppl we can kill in the name of religion and race hate and greed!
I can see why the world is going down the toilet so fastwith ppl like you!

This is an awe inspiring movie and everyone should watch it!


Spoken like a real pacifist!

NOT. Your reply is full of hate, anger and aggression.
Tolerance. Open (to different opinion). Nope.
Hypocrisy. Yes.
Who's the hater?


I wanted to see this movie so badly and it didn't even make it to any of the theaters here. Why was it so bad?

Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain.


"I wanted to see this movie so badly and it didn't even make it to any of the theaters here. Why was it so bad?"

It's not "bad" at all. It's a very good film that manages to capture the essence of the motivation for the Woodstock Festival (profit), and the whole "Peace, Love, and Music" ethos of the Woodstock generation.

Every single title listed on IMDb has some knucklehead calling it "the worst movie ever" in a film's message board, so much so to the point that it's comical and means nothing.



screamingfoot, I agree with your comment about those calling a film, "the worst movie ever". I think that their idea of great movies are mostly those such as the "Police Academy" series, or anything starring Pauly Shore.


your name is the doors which implies that you might like good music and know something bout it, but your bashing one of the best and accurate movies about one of the most important musical events in history. Suddenly all your credit has just disappeared, besides the doors are overrated IMHO.



I'm not a bitter hater but I just couldn't get into it. The characters were over the top and horribly cast while the movie never quite felt like authentic 60s. Liev Schreiber was the last straw causing me to finally just turn the movie off, I may resume another time or I may not. I have pretty much zero interest in this movie anymore.


Yuh, we couldn't even finish it. Slow molasses like character development, completely inaccurate observations, terrible acting, annoying side characters, etc...

Obviously written and directed by someone who was nowhere near the real woodstock...

"I've had it with these monkey fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!" - TV Edit


Boring film, slow, and needelss gay angle on the main character. 3 out of 10. Pass.


I actually liked this movie...
but oh my God was the depiction of the Jewish family Racist!
Seriously, the Jewish woman hoarding $97,000 in her closet while watching her life fall into financial ruin!

I Play Alotta Cards.
Got Any Three's?


"God was the depiction of the Jewish family Racist! "

Was this not based upon her son's story of events? If so, how can this be racist?



i was so disapointed during this movie...i missed it in theaters and now am thrilled that i did because at least i only wasted 5 bucks!..i am a true lover of classic rock and the 60s/70s in general....whoever said it was simply a coming of age story centered around woodstock is spot on...woodstock was simply a concert footage..poor use of the soundtrack and music that would have applied as well....boring characters...slow slow slow....just dropped the fact im not sure it ever held the ball to begin with

