I wasn't kidding. But I actually wasn't even commenting on the character she played, even though I don't understand how you could call the protagonist's mom a one-dimensional character. She lived through a war, specifically World War II as the primary targeted race of that war, is obviously still suffering from that, is paranoid, and is caught between her love of people and her fear of having everything taken from her. Yikes! Yet she is still able to have a gut-busting scene dancing with her muddy son after eating a few too many pot brownies, LOL.
As for Staunton's performance, which I was more directly referring to, I feel she pulled it off so convincingly that she is practically unrecognizable. As I said above, I loved her in "Vera Drake", but when I found out that was the same actress that played the mom in this movie, I seriously had a WTF moment. She vanished inside the character, however many dimensions that character had. Imelda Staunton was gone!
The closest movies to my heart: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=46910443