Most bizarre censorship ever?
Having enjoyed this movie before (OK, scorn my taste, whatever), I stopped the other night while channel surfing when I saw it was on a channel I think is called Fuse. Quickly caught an amusing scene in which young Elliot smokes a joint with another character before addressing an audience. The dialogue makes it clear they are smoking a joint, BUT... someone who is in charge of way too much perhaps decided it would somehow corrupt America if we actually SAW the joint, so they electronically blurred the small, moving portion of the screen so we could be spared the horror of actually seeing the offending little bit of plant product rolled into a cigarette.
What exactly that blurring was intended to accomplish in a nation where tens of millions have smoked pot and a majority of the citizenry favors legalizing it, which two states have now done, I cannot begin to fathom. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or scream, or both. I did turn the channel.
I have seen enough to know I have seen too much. -- ALOTOshare