Illustrates a tragedy..

The "dumbing down" of news and informational programming continues at an alarming rate..This film makes light of a tragic situation..I quite often surf through my cable "news" channels looking for news..It's hard to find, when a major story is not breaking..You can tune in to CNN "news" and quite often have to endure several minutes of what's going on with quirky Hollywood celebrities or the world's biggest ball of yarn..A whole half hour the other day with some piece of crap called, "Entertainment Tonight".. On a news channel????


I completely agree with you. I still watch the Today show every morning because it's better than a lot of the other pathetic morning shows and news shows out there, but every morning it's hours of crap for 10 minutes of actual news. The worst thing is that its not just the news that's being dumbed down on TV, now that people are using their Blackberries and ipads as prosthetics for their brain, their brains are becoming too feeble to read actual newspaper articles and everything has to be condensed into Twitter-sized chunks of idiotic gossip.
It's really disheartening :|


Not to mention the completely false information passed around through e-mail forwards and internet blogs..people are forwarded some piece of crap and they believe it, at the same time disbelieving professional reporters in the mainstream media because some gasbag political extremist tells them to..It's scary and doesn't bode well for our future...
