MovieChat Forums > Morning Glory (2010) Discussion > oasis album title rip off

oasis album title rip off

The 1995 album what's the story morning glory is one of the highest selling and highly revered albums of all time, do u reckon pinching the title is just a cheap stab for more publicity? are oasis (although they have split) in their rights to sue for plagarism?


that saying existed befor Oasis, long before Oasis and they only used the line for their album as well.



Lyric from a song in "Bye Bye Birdie" proceeding your album by 30 years. Suck it.

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While I'm sure the first reply covers anything - let me inform you - a title can not be copyrighted.


Really? Are you being serious? LOL. you think Oasis has the right to sue you for using their name as your screen name and then going off half cocked about things you obviously know nothing about? Even I (under the age of 30) know the saying Morning Glory....My MOTHER used it for me when I was little and she was waking me GRANDMOTHER used it with HER...If you're going down this road you had better pull the titles of all the films that use catchy little titles to grab your attention and gripe about all of them as well.




"Oasis... doesn't really ring a bell... Oh! You mean that Sh*tty band from the mid 90's that had like one good song before the two bros like killed each other or something?"


Well I guess everyone has an opinion. I just hoped you've listened to their albums before proclaiming how sh*tty they are. (What's the Story) Morning Glory is a brilliant album.





In the early to mid-20th century, there was something of a fashion in the US for jocular greetings, in the same vein as the nonsense 'enthusiasm' phrases like the bee's knees, the cat's pajamas etc.

Hello Joe, what d'ya know?
What's buzzin' cousin?
What's knittin', kitten?
What's steamin' demon?
What's tickin', chicken?
What's your story, morning glory?
What's your tale, nightingale?

Some have suggested that the song is about drugs and so the title may also be a reference to morning glory seeds, which are said to have hallucinogenic effects. Also, a morning glory is a flower which opens with the first morning sun. "What's the story, Morning Glory?" can be used to inquire why someone was up and about unusually early. "Morning glory" is also used as a synonym for "morning wood" (if you don't know what that is, you'll have to look it up yourself, as I'm not explaining it.)

Suggesting that Oasis sue is unrealistic as the phrase was in common usage and documented long before Oasis apropriated it. It's more sensible to suggest that Lee Adams, the lyricist who wrote "Bye Bye Birdie," sue Oasis.

A lawsuit that I WOULD like to see, however, is Elvis Costello suing over the use of the name Napolean Dynamite... that would make my day.


morning glory. also the name of a tea from seattle. i smell a conspiracy. or maybe that just the scent of tea.

Yo, bartender, Jobu needs a refill.


Probably named the song whats the story morning glory, because it was written about doing cocaine, and what's the story morning glory, being a term that describes a person up at an early hour,fits within the context of the song. The album was named after the song.


Hey,Don't Look Back in Anger.

Do you like Billie Holiday? “I love him”.


I guess the Bye Bye Birdie producers should sue Oasis then. Good lord, maybe you should learn some history and where this term REALLY came from before you start spewing nonsense.


It just saddens me that Britain is brainwashed into thinking that the saying just means 'Oasis'. Personally I wish Oasis and anything Gallagher (not the american comedian) would just go away and rot quietly.


Noel Gallagher is one of the best contemporary melody writers if you ask me.


Morning Glory as in the flower was around longer then Oasis of course...there is also a flavour of muffin called Morning Glory...

I'm sorry but this topic has taken the spot of the dumbest topic started I have ever read.


Oasis who? There's only beady eye now, Noel is a twat :). Well the album Morning Glory is brilliant unlike this movie.



yeah, and they also ripped off the best webcomic there is
I play cards with J.D. Shelnut, chief of PO-lice! So kiss my ass, you old bastard!


Now let me see, with Zac Starkey (Ringo's son) in Oasis does that give Oasis more of a right to copy the Beatles?
And should Elvis' (Presley of course)estate sue Elvis Costello for ripping off his name?
I agree that Oasis made some good songs (eg. Don't Look Back In Anger is great) but those Gallagher brothers are the two most boring twats I have ever heard interviewed.
