I find it difficult to answer this question, but I can say why I am lately not interested in recent romantic comedies (by the way, I don't think that "Morning Glory" is a romantic comedy, and is therefore not related to my following response).
1. Cardboard Mary-Sue characters- Hollywood seems to think that by making the female lead quirkily klutzy, adorably clueless, with a "trendy" job, seemingly hopeless with men- despite being incredibly well-dressed and beautiful (not that fashionable and attractive women don't have relationship troubles), and seemingly no real challenges in her life other than that she doesn't have a boyfriend, that she is automatically a protagonist that women can relate to and will enjoy watching. What this actually does is make her entirely forgettable- not to mention more than often a little unsympathetic.
2. Rehashed and tired plotlines- The coworker/partner in crime set-up (The Ugly Truth, The Bounty Hunter, Knight and Day, Killers). The Workaholic/manipulative control freak scenario (Post-Grad, 27 Dresses, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days). Actually, I can't think of anymore overused subgenres within modern romantic comedies. Most of those made within the past decade fit somewhere within these two groups.
3. Less than memorable lead actresses- Katherine Heigl, Kristen Bell, Kate Hudson, etc. I'm not saying that these are altogether poor actresses. However, they haven't made the impact in their roles that women such as Meg Ryan and Julia Roberts, two actresses known for their more memorable romcoms, have.
4. Stock character, recycled male leads- Josh Duhamel, Mathew McConaughey, Gerard Butler, Ashton Kutcher. Actors known less for skill and charisma and more for their appearence playing men who basically are their looks- and nothing else. I realize that because it is a romantic comedy, it is nice to have an attractive male lead. However, it would hurt to have one that can act and bring dimension to his character, as well.
And there you have it. Why I don't watch recent romantic comedies. The ones I've seen have unfortunately turned me off of them. I really miss the days of good romcoms, because when done well, they can be incredibly clever, funny, moving, and wonderful to watch. I wish there were more films like Bridget Jones Diary, When Harry Met Sally,What's Up Doc?, While You Were Sleeping, and Kate and Leopold, to name a few of the great romcoms. I'm an optimist though, so I'm still patiently hoping and waiting for that next great romcom to come out!