If you liked Morning Glory, you'll love...
Sorry, I hate when people write that, but in this case it may actually be true. If you liked "Morning Glory," you might also like "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip."
"Studio 60..." was a television program written by Aaron Sorkin (The West Wing, The Social Network). It only lasted a year, but it was pretty good.
Amanda Peet plays a character similar to the one played by McAdams in this film. Only the show's not a morning news show, but a show similar to SNL. It gives us glimpses of the SNL skits we wish had really existed (like Nicholas Cage's Cooking Show and Juliet Lewis hosting Meet the Press). Anyway, thought I'd mention it.
One warning, though. Conservative Christian types may take offense. Sorkin's pretty liberal, and not ashamed about it.
She's not naked. She's holding a gun...strategically.