MovieChat Forums > Morning Glory (2010) Discussion > Oh god, it was so badly edited

Oh god, it was so badly edited

Its like someone filmed a movie then it was attacked by a pack of wolves and sown back together again from the remaining parts. It kept going from one scene to the next scene so randomly and with crappy transitional effects sometimes too.
And holy hell did this movie overdo the music, it was a relief when the music just stopped for a minute so we could actually hear the characters TALK.

And Rachel McAdams performance as a scatty, woman child was really bad which is sad because she's such a charismatic actress.


I noticed the bad editing, too. One day she's wearing that kind of reddish pink top and black skirt, then several days later she's wearing it again. Obviously, people in real life repeat their outfits, but in a movie it's just confusing and silly to have characters do this.


The cross-fade montage when she's trying to decide if she's going to stay on Daybreak...honestly looks like someone made it with iMovie.


I'm with you on the music. AWFUL sound mixing. The songs were blaring, and everything else was at such a low level that you'd have to turn it up to hear them speak, then BAM, some song starts blaring out and you have to turn it down again.

