Breath of fresh air

I never got bored once - the content wasn't boring, a sense of realism - not too much hashed out hollywood bs...
Still has that camp, but its appreciated.
It also made me laugh.

"It's like I'm Han, you're Chewy, she's Ben Kenobi and we're in that *beep* up bar!"


I totally agree! I just put it on and wasn't expecting much from it honestly, but I loved it.

"I don't want to make money. I just want to be wonderful."


I liked it too, and this is coming from someone who not only likes dark, gritty dramas but who just got finished watching several this past week alone. I never once got bored nor felt the need or desire to skip ahead and it actually made me laugh as few much lauded comedies of late have made me do. I thought it was genuinely funny and sweet.

Don't you die on me Violet. VIOLET!!!!.


I'm partial to the "very real" dialogue.

"Religion is the opium of the people" - Groucho Marx


I really liked this movie as well. They balanced the comedy, the romance and the dramatic aspects of the industry all equally well. It never became too dark or too sappy. Very well directed (and acted, of course). Can't wait to see Rachel McAdams in her two upcoming movies. :-)


I didn't really know much about this movie but saw the cast list and gave it a shot. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Love Rachel McAdams and it was so great to see Harrison Ford and Diane Keaton in this. It's refreshing, light-hearted, fun, and funny.


I enjoyed it more than I expected too.


I was already in love with Rachel McAdams before, but now...

My favorite scene was that first meeting with the staff at Daybreak, and it looks like she's overwhelmed and about to have a meltdown — then the sleazy anchorman comes in and BAM! she takes charge of the situation.
Pure awesome!


I thought it was going to be godawful unwatchable-- I actually borrowed it by accident-- but it was surprisingly charming, thanks to McAdams/Ford/Keaton.
