I believe anyone should be able to have anything done that makes one feel better about one's self- BUT - if you are an actress and are expected to draw viewers due to your quality work and in this business, looks, then Cher should rethink the plastic surgery she is having done. Is she having the surgery to please herself (awesome), or is she having the surgeries to continue to garner the quality movie roles she desires (not working). I would venture to say that the only reason anyone would watch Cher in a movie these days is equivalent to looky loos watching a car wreck. She is a fabulous actress and singer, but the amount of surgery she is having is definitely overshadowing her acting abilities. If the movie she is in happens to be a quality movie, then great! More power to her, but I would bet that the movie would be even better if her surgeries were not so obvious. If the movie happens to suck, then she is just laughable even more so because of her obvious attempts at trying to look half her age. Just my opinion. In my opinion, she has so much money and is already so completely validated as a quality singer/actress that she probably doesn't even care what anyone thinks about what she chooses to do to look younger, but as most people know...it's hard not to let other people's opinions not affect one's self esteem.