It's funny but I was just thinking -- while watching the film -- who could have possibly replaced Mickey Rourke in the role if they had to go with another actor?
The thing is, I couldn't think of anyone remotely similar. It had to be someone broken down as a human being but with the body that used to be worth $1 million.
Stallone might have been able to pull it off, but he doesn't do dark characters like that. He would have had to have reached down deep. Bruce Willis has the attitude and character but certainly not the body or that life-on-the-edge physicality to make Randy "The Ram" believable.
And the thing about Nicolas Cage is that while he could play the down and out character, he doesn't have the grounded realism of Rourke to make you believe you're spending an hour and 50 or so minutes peering into the soul of someone could very well be a real person.
The story felt very personal, grounded and weighty, and even thought Cage did a decent job in Joe (though I think someone like Hugh Jackman could have turned that role into Oscar bait) Cage just wouldn't have brought the necessary gravitas to a role like The Wrestler.