Poking fun at 'requels' whilst making one of the most blatant 'requels' is just...something else.
A bit to on the nose. Bordering on parody.
The dire need for legacy characters and throw backs to the original such as the protagonist being Billy's daughter, the house being Stu's from the original, recreating the couch scene where ghostface sneaks behind, recreating the opening scene, referencing the basement scene, having two killers, recreating the kitchen finale... just too many throwbacks and references, it was basically a remake-and-sequel in one whilst the film poked fun at that?
Just feels strange for a film to poke fun at 'requels' whilst being one of the biggest 'requels' I've ever seen. It was firmly in remake territory. "This requel concept is something else haha" - proceeds to do just that. That's parody. The difference between Scream & Scary Movie is diminishing.
The 'for Wes' stuff...I love Wes Craven as much as the next guy but he's been gone for 7 years. I'd be more forgiving if he'd just passed this past year. It just seemed odd and like insincere fan service, 'Hey guys we love Wes, this is a love letter to his work. Wes rocks.' It just rubbed me the wrong way.
All in all I'm disappointed in the film and to think they have plans for another two to follow this one? Eh...