MovieChat Forums > Scream (2022) Discussion > Disappointed. *Spoilers*

Disappointed. *Spoilers*

First "Halloween Kills" and now this...

- The cast does nothing for me. Besides the legacy characters and Jack Quade, who is the exception, there was nothing really interesting or intriguing about any of these people.

- Let me get this straight, your main character is the secret daughter of Billy Loomis, who has some sort of Schizophrenia where she sees him and he talks to her through a reflection, but instead of telling her to kill Sydney, like the psychopath he was, he's some kind of motivational life coach to her? What? That's the lamest shit ever... Also, in a town that small, and with someone like Gale Weathers researching and writing a book, there's no way that would've remained a secret.

- The killer(s) reveal is the worst of the franchise. There's no shock or big moment at all. All of the sudden the tiny girl just like: Oh, I'm the killer... yay. Then she says that she killed Dewey. This five foot nothing girl apparently grows a foot and gains 50 lbs by putting on the ghostface costume and takes out Dewey... There's suspension of disbelief required for these movies for sure, but this is too much.

- Then you reveal that Jack Quade, the best character, is also a killer, and you kill him off. Did these writers not learn from the mistakes made in Scream 2? Don't kill off your best characters! This guy is funny and likable. He would've been great to have in another sequel, which you know is gonna happen, but instead they waste him.

As a Scream fan, I'm very disappointed.


Dewey getting manhandled by (who we now know) Amber.. was complete and utter BS
but hey.. i didn't expect much from this film


I agree, I was also really disappointed.

The main character, Billys daughter was boring as hell. But I guess people loved her cause she looked so pretty.
And than the little girl! Aaargh! She also annoyed the hell out of me when I saw her in the series you.
And now I had to deal with her again.

There was nothing really new to me that shooked me. The killers were just a joke to me.
I know for sure that I won't be looking scream 6.


You be the first here. Finally there’s someone who feels this way! :)

But agh… it ruined my childhood, I tell ya! RUINED. We TRUE fans should show these hacks how to really honor Wes and save our franchise! OUR! 😏

Anyways… I loved it. In fact, I’d say it sorta exceeded my expectations. That’s right. It’s easily the best one in the series since the original (I echo the sentiments of many on the more positive side obviously not on this site). *gasps*
Why dare be a fan of it? Ehh… why even justify it to the usual naysayers.

In any event, though it’s not without its flaws, I was indeed SATISFIED with it overall. And damn right I loved Billy’s daughter and found the killers themselves to be good (preferred them to the ones in the previous two films by far - Mikey Madison is perfection). Y’all really not looking forward to the next one? Well, you’ll no doubt hate-watch it anyway. Needless to say, I’m stoked for 6!
