How many theaters ?

Does anyone know how many theaters got this release?


Box Office Mojo claims that the movie grabbed an estimated 500K at 400 theatres over the weekend, apparently After Dark Films doesn't want people to know how much it bombed. I hadn't even heard of the film aside from a trailer on so I'm surprised anyone showed up to see it. I would like to watch it when it hits DVD.



it was at a theatre near me that isnt known for playing limited releases. i had no idea what this movie was before i saw it while looking at the times so i came on here to look it up. i was actually curious what kinda release it got.


I was wondering why i couldnt find any numbers,I was like im a movie theater manager if i cant find the numbers something is wrong, its a decent movie, sad they didnt promote it at all


Went with a friend to see a movie the other night, and after we purchased our tickets, we saw ECHELON CONSPIRACY as one of the films listed. Neither one of us had ever heard of it and we both work in the industry, so that was strange. THAT was how little buzz - even within the industry - it got. We both got very interested, but we had already agreed to go to another movie with some people and purchased our tickets. Still, when we came out we checked the list of films, and it had LEFT the theater already. This was Thursday, March 5, the night before WATCHMEN came out. When we asked the theater owner - a friend of ours - about it, he said After Dark films put it out, so they took a chance on it, not a lot of new stuff coming out until WATCHMEN. I think it played a week at this multiplex. I wish we could have seen it. It looked interesting .... Oh well, there's always new life on DVD!!
