I was about to give up on the movie until I got to the 2nd act.
I like the misdirection (very Mission Impossible) that the woman character pulled out in the hallway scene... also the fact that she can kick ass was awesome and a pleasant surprise, I think that made the whole movie worth watching for me. The sniper scene reminded me of Time and Tide (but not nearly as masterful). Yuri as a secret agent (another Mission Impossible misdirection like twist) was neat little finisher (though i didn't get the last cell text scene at all).
Overall i felt the direction was lacking, seemed very by the numbers which was probably on purpose but i just didn't dig it. The acting was fine but the casting left me scratching my head, rhames and burns are both character actors to me, where rhames fits his stereotypical secret agent that he broke the mold with during Mission Impossible ("I guess i'm the flavor of the week"), burns just didn't fit as an ex-agent. There was a scene where the main character pretty much states that LOL! Burns can do a con-man very well but not a secret agent... The woman was great eventhough she had such a small role it was memorable. The main character was extremely annoying especially in the 1st act, he become tolerable in 2nd and third acts. I love the role reversal where he's the useless, helpless one while the woman was duking it out!
Anyway, where I don't even remember anything about eagle eye there were scenes in here I will remember... however this is one of those all to familiar cases where the whole is not greater than the sum of it's parts...