Wait a minute! (*Spoiler*)

Are we really meant to believe that a computer that can do practically anything it wants from intercepting text messages to calculating the outcome of card games.... has never once looked itself up on the internet?!?!?!

"What this country needs right now... is a Doctor."



I thought it would get shut down because its existence is unconstitutional and therefore a paradox. But I guess a simple google search did the trick lol


Agreed. This movie has too many holes. IMO it was too predictable to be a thriller, the characters knew too without any premise for this to be a mystery and the whole movie feels like a cheap copy of Eagle Eye even though EC completed filming before EE started.


This turd of a movie is hundred times better than the cr@p Eagle Eye. :0).


I wonder why this wasn't released into the theaters but yet Eagle Eye was.


It was released in theatres


And then it was captured and locked up again

Revenge is a dish that best goes stale.


I can buy it not being curious about ITSELF, in a know-it-all, always-right kind of way. I just cannot get it shutting itself off, sheesh! Why not just go with "I won't upgrade myself" or "I will play withing the parameters of the Constitution" or "I could get into the casino security business" ?

Even Isaac Asimov gave his computers the Third Law. The programmers here seem to have gone for megalomania with a side of suicidal tendencies.


The AI's behavior is plausible if it's a certain type of weakly superhuman system. Imagine that instead of the brain you have now, you have the mental capabilities of one hundred people thinking in parallel, all with IQ's of about 80, mildly retarded but with an idiot savant's abilities with trivia and math. That's the AI in this film; a computer that's basically a platoon of Forrest Gumps exhibiting Gump-like linear thinking and tenaciousness, but not a being you'd expect to show much initiative or engage in introspection.


