MovieChat Forums > Echelon Conspiracy (2009) Discussion > Echelon Conspiracy completed filming BEF...

Echelon Conspiracy completed filming BEFORE Eagle Eye started

Please note to all knockers:

Eagle Eye Filming Dates: November 2007 - March 2008

Echelon Conspiracy Filming Dates: August 2007 - October 2007

Was it really that hard to look this information up before some of you stuck your foot in your mouths?


Dates are all fine and good, but that doesn't discount the idea that someone was aware of "Eagle Eye" in pre-production and leaked the plot. It's quite conceivable that "Echelon Conspiracy" was written and filmed in hastily to beat the release of the latter movie.

Just look at how "Lost In Space" (television) was (apparently) a rip-off of the "Star Trek" premise, yet it was shown first.



they are both ripoffs from the Dan Brown book, and I personally thought Echelon Conspiracy was way better then Eagle Eye.


Actually this is a rip off of War Games, a mid 80's movie.


Actually, if we're going to start saying "this is a rip-off of an 80's movie called war games" (you're quite correct about that, btw) we should all think hard about this for 5 more seconds....

Yes, this film ripped off that film, and that film ripped off the other film, and the other film ripped off......

When you get down to the origins of it, I expect that the original premise for this movie dates all the way back to 5000 B.C, when a fledgeling Egyptian Empire was struggling for it's existence, surrounded by enemies, and had to employ spies to keep the Pharaoh informed of what was happening on Egypts' borders.

Seriously, though;I think -from memory- that there are 7 disctinct types of story, and that any book/ movie ever written/ made will lend itself readily to one of these categories. Everything else is just a re-write of these essential stories.

So before you go pointing the finger saying
"Hey!!! Echelon Conspiracy is a rip-off of Eagle Eye" or
"Eagle Eye is a rip-off of Enemy of the State" or
"Enemy of the State is a rip-off of War Games" or
"War Games is a rip-off of 'Suppose They Gave A War And Nobody Came' (1970)",etc....... bear in mind that every movie you have ever seen and every story you have ever heard or read is a rip off of something much older.


"every movie you have ever seen and every story you have ever heard or read is a rip off of something much older." YES, Hollywood isn't called SPIN CITY for nuthin'! They don't just plagiarize everything, but they also alter(SPIN) it to meet their own agendas.


^ sadly, yes. I agree which bad movie was better than the other.

shouldn't be a shock though -- one has Ving Rhames and the other has Shia Labeuf.

Shane West's non-acting made it a close comparison, though.

But the story in EC was at least a little bit creative in how the various groups acted, and re-acted to the events. Just omg the screenwriters REALLY needed a dialog consultant to help reduce the cheese!

And the actress that got shot and paid for bail, yeah, she was nice to look at.

- - -

Chipping away at a mountain of pop culture trivia,
Darren Dirt.


Filming dates have little to do with when the material was purchased and when it was green lit, so your post is very pointless.


Just remembered another one:
Colossus: The Forbin Project (1970) is also the same story as all the ones in my above post. In fact it's the exact same story as Eagle Eye and Echelon Conspiracy.

Even some of the dialogue is the same!!!!


Please note to all knockers:
Don't talk to the knockers, "the eyes are up here!"

And kudos to Razar_C-1, I thought I was the only one old enough to remember C:TFP! And yes, it was the template for EC, EE and WG. But I am a little disappointed that no fanboys showed up ranting that this ripped off "Terminator". That would have been the cherry on top for this thread.

"In a time of universal deceit,
telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
George Orwell


YES! Bcuz many people are just LAZY!
