MovieChat Forums > The Ides of March (2011) Discussion > Important points you have to recognize.

Important points you have to recognize.

Hi everyone..
And excuse my English, it's not my first language. *you will notice that by having trouble understanding my viewpoint*
But i hope you bare with me to the end:).

I quote from the movie:

"You know how to fight the war in terror? Don't need their products anymore, don't need their oil."
And i think we all know what he meant by "their oil" .. SAUDI ARABIA

I hate the fact that every movie which speaks political MUST invovle some *beep* things about how "Saudi and Arabs in general" Are terrorst and the reason behind every bad thing that happens and happend to the USA!

That's so racist ! And they have always been racist about terrorism and terrorist.
Dispite the fact that they capture and steal from arab country....... And did actual terrorism there! But NO! No one count for them!

I don't have something in my heart that's *bad* for american and america! I just get uncomfortable every time i see racism movies
I respect what people believe in...

I'd like to mintion this saying *which i highly like* :

"Take ten lives, you're a serial killer. Take thousands, you're a war hero"

It's the same case for terrorism and islam thus when a muslim got killed he is terrorist, when american got killed he is a war hero.


I hope you get my point.
And you are welcome to say anything ?


Important points that you have to recognize are:

If the movie is going to deal realistically with things that are of concern in US politics, then concern about the threat of terrorism is realistic.

Terrorist acts are taking place in countries that are predominantly Islamic, almost every day of the week. These terrorist activities are not always directed at the US. Many are directed by Muslims towards other Muslims. Others are directed at people of other faiths. Some acts of terrorism are directed at international aid bodies. Islamist terrorism, worldwide, is a concern to every single government.

I would agree that in news reports and other real-life contexts, the term "terrorism" is quite often used incorrectly. If a soldier, of any nationality or faith, shoots a soldier of an opposing military side, then that is not terrorism. That is war. And any soldier who is fighting for a cause against other soldiers might well be considered heroic.

But terrorism isn't about training soldiers to fight other soldiers. True terrorism is about terrorising ordinary people. If you want to know what is going on in the world, follow the BBC News on your computer.

"great minds think differently"


Thanks for your responed
And i agree with you...
I actually can not argue with you about politics, because i don't know enough..
And i can't argue about religions either, because i'm an atheist.

But all i hated is the racism..
And you can not deny the racism that's trending world wide to muslims and islam..

Don't jude a nation just by looking at one of them *borderline extremist*


Think about when the prejudice started. 9/11

Immediately after 9/11, many thousands of non-Muslim people across the world were afraid that Muslims in their community might suffer. Christians all over the world prayed for peace and for the safety of innocent Muslims. Many other people deliberately went out of their way to make friends with Muslims in their neighbourhood, to reassure them that they understood the events to be the work of radicals.

But, of course, there were other people who were prejudiced.

Gradually the prejudice began to increase. All sorts of things affected it.

The thing that has been the biggest cause of prejudice against Muslims is very very obvious. It is the widespread Muslim prejudice against Western society, Western culture and Christianity.

Of course there are many other Muslim people who live in western societies in an accepting, non-prejudiced manner. It is unfortunate when people who are not prejudiced have to suffer prejudice themselves.

I suggest that you start watching the BBC news and keep account of what is actually going on in the world. If you read, and listen intelligently, and think about what you are reading and hearing, you will become aware of the depth of prejudice that exists towards Western society, even among Muslim people who have migrated to enjoy a better lifestyle. Don't imagine that the prejudice is one-sided.

"great minds think differently"


Thanks again for replying..
I think i have to agree with you about what you said "the prejudice is not one sided"

You're totally right..
And all of the fact that you just mentioned about prejudice people and society..
Really makes me sad.. Because it's true!
Hope that tge world come together and drop out all the racism and prejudice

I really wished that my english was perfect
So that i could discuss more with you
It was an honor talking to an open minded far away person..


you want to talk about terrorism, talk about UN embargo on iraq in the 1990s, other countries tried to stop it after the war in 1991 but "western christian" usa and uk insisted on maintain it, according to UN numbers it killed 500,000 innocent civilians, not to mention bombing a civilian shelter in 1991 and killing hundred of thousand of civilians after 2003 barbaric invasion. i'm not saying you deserve 9/11, i'm saying you deserve much more.


I think you should appreciate that the movie (or, rather, this particular politician... not such a fine distinction to make as this Morris guy is hardly supposed to represent the views of the filmmakers) acknowledges that the root cause of the widespread Islamic terrorism is oil and politics i.e. the presence of the US in the Middle East, not that the Muslims have this irrational hatred towards "freedom" or whatnot, as some would have it. And recognizing the existence of Islamic terrorism is not by any means "racist".

"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan


Very pertinent points about "oil and politics".

"great minds think differently"


The source of the financing of the terrorism may be oil but oil is hardly the cause. The right to possess and distribute the oil in Saudi Arabia has not been challenged in 50 years. The hatred is religious and the main reason that I and many others have a deep resentment towards the Arab people in general but not towards any one specific individual is the almost total failure of non-terrorist Muslims to denounce their radical brethren. Given the existence of fatwas that result from any failure to toe the line I understand the difficulty, but the resentment remains.


