Important points you have to recognize.
Hi everyone..
And excuse my English, it's not my first language. *you will notice that by having trouble understanding my viewpoint*
But i hope you bare with me to the end:).
I quote from the movie:
"You know how to fight the war in terror? Don't need their products anymore, don't need their oil."
And i think we all know what he meant by "their oil" .. SAUDI ARABIA
I hate the fact that every movie which speaks political MUST invovle some *beep* things about how "Saudi and Arabs in general" Are terrorst and the reason behind every bad thing that happens and happend to the USA!
That's so racist ! And they have always been racist about terrorism and terrorist.
Dispite the fact that they capture and steal from arab country....... And did actual terrorism there! But NO! No one count for them!
I don't have something in my heart that's *bad* for american and america! I just get uncomfortable every time i see racism movies
I respect what people believe in...
I'd like to mintion this saying *which i highly like* :
"Take ten lives, you're a serial killer. Take thousands, you're a war hero"
It's the same case for terrorism and islam thus when a muslim got killed he is terrorist, when american got killed he is a war hero.