...by the time we witness the hotel scene, it's already too late for anything to be fixed. And Dean's idea of how to fix things up, is doomed in its conception.
We are not talking about real people here (but movie characters instead - so we can only speculate) - yet the alternative that you proposed, like "okay honey, we can arrange this some other day then", probably wouldn't work anyway. She has already lost interest in him and she probably would have never agreed to the hotel idea. Plus, she certainly fits the profile of the woman that couldn't care less for such an option : "let's go revive our relationship in either the Sex or the Future Room". Dean of course cannot afford for more than that and here's were "Dean's Career Ambitions" issue of hers come into the way as well. Dean is in a "no-win situation". Whatever he tries CANNOT be enough for her. He's not too much of a career man, he's not too much for a household aiding man - he's not TOO MUCH OF A MAN (according to her) in the end...
She is totally lacking admiration towards him, if not respect alltogether (and emotions too : "there's nothing inside here for you anymore"). For her it all is a done deal and the hospital scene simply is the last straw.
Talking to her would be like trying to talk to a wall / trying to fix things with her would be like throwing himself onto that wall.
That said, Dean is a believer, trying in the way that he understands, to amend things. He of course makes it worse both by his persistence for the hotel idea and getting to the hospital/punching that a$$hole/making her lose her job,,,,,,,,,,,,,,but Dean is the one that TRIES. He's not the one that kinda awaits in the corner for the right moment to burn it all up. He's so desperately trying his "best", making himself a tragic figure trying to avoid the inevitable.
Now I do know that some won't like this (the "glorification" of Dean's person) as I put it, yet I think that I'm not being partial about it.
No one has by the way taken into consideration that Dean is not like, say, Cindy's father : that is, a short-tempered schmuck that messes his family's souls up for no good reason at all.He surely does not change things that get into Cindy's nerves, like back-talking "too much", or he doesn't seem to want to change stuff on his part, while he is asking for changes himself - yet you can hardly call him a problematic character.
So what goes on here is that Cindy JUST DOESN'T WANT H I M anymore. Of course has to do with her being "worn-down by life" (...only after 5 years of marriage/parenthood and probably even less of having a job...) too, much like it probably has to do by her own FAQed-up upbringing/choices/early motherhood, plus the fact that she didn't actually have the time/chance to get to know him better before setting up a home with him - she instead was "forced" into marriage. Not to mention that he isn't the biological father of the kid they are bringing up together.
All in all, Dean is obviously a nice guy that's trying and most people would appreciate JUST THAT - yet it's not enough for Cindy. She's not happy with it ALL, and she of course DOES have the right to BE happy in her life.
[In my book, she however is an immature bitching wife that can not/does not want take responsibility (even though I do know some will be enraged by how I just put it) ENOUGH. Wants her own ways, does not like being told-off (no matter if she's wrong), does not like blame being put on her (even if it is all hers), does not care enough about stuff that are feasible and do matter lots (like not letting the dog go, or wearing that freaking seatbelt) when given a guideline.
She's eventually too "little", in my eyes, for it all - she cannot generate the strength needed to straighten whichever Dean's flaws get into her nerves, as she ought to (she instead is too weak -doing nothing about it- considering finding ways to make Dean sit down and listen to her and her problems, demands, etc). She is an "one-way-person" that sooner or later chooses the "easy" way : out].
Conclusion : Dean should have stopped trying earlier and leave (...commitment is a larger-than-life thing, to be looked upon - but Cindy needed "somebody else". Much as he did too).
It unfortunately isn't in his nature though, so he only managed to make things even worse. It's not a matter of who is the "good" or the "bad" one anymore (especially since it's actually about "the brave" and "the weak").
It's a matter that the chemistry, characters and background is such that it could simply not work out for them.
Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past