With regards to "Roofalin" (made up term for roofies-like drugs), given that it's made up, it's impossible to tell whether or not it acts slowly or quickly, but a quick google says Rohypnol, one of the most well-known date-rape drugs, takes 15-20 minutes to kick in... GHB takes 15-20 minutes... Zolpidem (Ambien) takes 30-60 minutes... Xanax takes 15mins-1 hr...
However, when it starts to kick in isn't generally considered it's "peak effect"... That usually takes longer... BUT... More than likely, unless you're taking uppers like coke, speed, etc. at the same time as the "Roofalin," it's highly doubtful that any of the guys would last anywhere NEAR a whole night of partying before they passed out and forgot everything that happened. So yeah, the movie takes some liberty with the idea of anyone being able to last more than an hour or so before passing out from the effects of roofies.
And as for the doc saying put the money in my pocket so I don't have to resterilize... That was clearly not meant to be super accurate. Healthcare workers foam in and out when taking care of patients, so in all honesty, the dude was just being overdramatic. :-P Plus it's not like he's a surgeon, so... "Sterilizing" isn't really what ordinary docs/HCWs do unless they're doing advanced bedside procedures or surgeries. The whole thing was just meant to play up the idea of docs being super germ-conscious, but in reality, if dude just foamed his hands as he left the room, he'd STILL have to foam before his next patient, so... Just unrealistic.