He stopped being funny 5 years ago

Nowadays he's just a smug trust fund baby whose biggest fans are 16 year old valley girl types. He's like Dane Cook for people who don't shower.


Name one unfunny joke he has every had


yeah man what kind of stereotype is that? it doesnt even make sense
im 21 and in college i think hes hilarious and didnt know of him 5 years ago?


So he stopped being funny around the time he stopped having new material for a while?

Oh I get you! Haha you and your jokes!


I agree, more than half his jokes on the first episode of the show were just parts of his old material.

Although I did like the 1 hour photo to the 59 minute photo illustration.



Saying "______ stopped being funny 5 years ago" stopped being cool 5 years ago.


Are you going to say he sold out when he became popular?


5 years is about when he became popular... so I think that's kinda what he's doing.


Exactly. When somebody talented actually becomes successful and popular, people claim that person sold out and sucks now. They're just trying to be cool and unique.
