this show won't last...

Because it's good lol.

But seriously, it's really sad that a great show like this will probably get canceled, and stupid crap like south park and the daily show keep going.


actually south park and the daily show are intelligent shows. if you're going to bash a comedy central show, bash mind of mencia.


I agree with the hypothesis, but disagree with the reasoning. This show is too niche, the audience for the show are those weird new age hippie college nerds that felt lost in highschool but "found themselves" in college. It was funny when he did trend spotting every month or so on the daily show, but 22 minutes a week of this stuff will get boring quick. His stand up special got old 15 minutes in and the first episode got old 10 minutes in. His graphs and drawing are repetitive. I feel like the audience was forced to laugh because they related to him not because the jokes were funny. For example the "i hate meeting babies" was not funny at all, just something random, but the audience laughed . If that is all it took to be funny, i know alot of homeless people that say more random stuff than that. Also i feel like this guy is not as likable as Stewart or Colbert. Another thing that i think is not good for the show is the format, it is a Dave Chappelle type format, without the Dave Chappelle quality humor, i can't help to compare it to Dave, i think this is why Mencia got canned and so will this . Overall i say this show get 1 and a half season or maybe two because Stewart is involved with it.

In conclusion this show will get canceled not because it is too good, but because it merits cancellation. For a comedy show to succeed it much be funny to a large amount of people, and i find that, though some might find it funny, overall people will think the show is too weird ( not too intelligent), ratings will fall and Stewart association with the show will not be enough, thus the show will be canceled.


"overall people will think the show is too weird ( not too intelligent)"

i dont think that the show is too wierd at all, but i do think that people who think that, its because they arent very intelligent.


South Park and The Daily show will never get canceled because they make fun of recent stuff, so they will never get old. What they need to stop showing is Drawn Together, even if they rarely play it... it needs to just go away forever


So true. So sad. And the Daily show is not intelligent. The daily show is a show for morons who want to pretend to be political. The daily show is to politics what sarah silverman is to comedy.


YES! Jebbika you are totally right. South Park is the best comedic show on TV by far.. If you don't think the episodes have complex story telling, character development and posture.. then you don't know what good tv is (writing wise at least). Saying South Park isn't intelligent is insane (I'll use Scott Tenorman Must Die as one of the many examples.) The Daily Show should even be in the same sentence as South Park.. unless the sentence is: "Wow man, South Park is such a *beep* cool show, not like that bs political smearing crap Daily Show".

btw: Drawn Together IS cancelled.

"The daily show is to politics what sarah silverman is to comedy."

-Honestly, I love this comment.


i didnt know what to think about the show before seeing it, but ithought it was great. most great shows get cancelled pretty quickly; freaks and geeks, undeclared, arrested development, mr show, the state, etc. comparing this to the chapelle show is unfair, and as much as i liked chapelles show, hes REALLY not THAT funny, or is he as original as demetri martin, which is kind of sad, because i kinda view demetri martin as a pg version of zach galifianakis. but i dont see this show lasting very long because people dont know what comedy is, and that is why b*llsh*t like carlos mancia and frank calliendo are popular. i hope this show lasts because the first episode was pretty gd funny. demetri martin is one of the better comedian around these days. if you want to see real comedy, check out zach galifianakis, patton oswalt, doug stanhope, david cross(what little stand up you can find) and many others that i cant think of right now or dont know about. for the most part, i just dont think most people have a sense humor anymore.


"because i kinda view demetri martin as a pg version of zach galifianakis"

LOL what, because they're both Greek?

"if you want to see real comedy, check out zach galifianakis, patton oswalt, doug stanhope"

I strongly disagree w/ the addition of Patton Oswalt, political jokes ALWAYS fail (IMO).



Please. If Mind of Mencia took so long to get canceled that even other Comedy Central hosts were making fun it, how will this show get canceled? It appeals to the same "niche" as the Daily Show, if the Daily Show even has a niche (I can't picture anyone not laughing at TDS, except for old crotchety people on their death bed who love Bill O'Reilly). And South Park's niche is even smaller, and that show will seemingly go on forever just like the Simpsons.

I don't think this show is going to get canceled anytime sooner than the duration that Mindless Mencia ran. If it does, I will forever be pissed off at Comedy Central.


I personally think this show is a breath of fresh air. Like about 95% of the shows on comedy central are all exclusively racial comedy shows and people making fun of their stereotypes. I find racial comedy funny but it's just been overdone on CC, how many "Black people are crazy","Rednecks sleep with their cousins", "Jews are cheap", "Mexicans lie,cheat, and steal jokes" do we have to hear back-to-back?

People call me a douchebag because woman would pay to have me inside of them.


Sadly I think this show may travel the same route 'Stella' did.


This show won't get canceled because it's good, but because it sucks.

The reason why Comedy Central gave this show the green light is because it's a poor version of Flight of The Conchords, and they wanted to target their fanbase.
