MovieChat Forums > Important Things with Demetri Martin (2009) Discussion > How long before this crappy show gets th...

How long before this crappy show gets the axe?

Sorry to start jumping into conclusions before this show starts, but Demetri Martin is so lame and unfunny that I don't see this show lasting that much longer. I've seen him on the Daily Show and a few stand up shows, and he just fails miserably at bringing laughs

I guess Comedy Central is so desperate to bring their own 'Flight of the Conchords' type of show that they would hire any lame copycat.


He is quite honestly one of my favourite comedians, especially of our generation. I really wish the best for him and this show because I think he is ridiculously funny, intelligent, and fresh (even though I've been a fan for years). His humour definately isn't for everyone. My roommates don't understand his jokes but then again one of my roommates didn't know that the earth went around the sun(true story). All in all I really hope it does well and simply if you don't lke it don't watch it. I'm sure you could find something better to do for 30 minutes, but I can't name one thing I'd rather be watching and I'm sure his actual fans are excited for the show.

Cobra Starship = life, love and sexiness


i'm pretty sure demetri has been doing his routine longer then flight, smart guy. just because they got a tv show before him doesn't mean they've been in comedy longer.


it won't make it past the 1st season.


unfortunately, i bet you're right. most people like fart jokes and things they can laugh at without thinking...and sometimes martin's stand-up and jokes take patience and being relaxed and maybe thinking a wee bit and thats rare with comedy central fans (im just generalizing, which is something comedy central likes)

Life had taken place of theory


I hear the over/under in vegas is at 10.5 episodes. If I had money, I put it on under.

reply suck.


The show definitely has its moments. Martin is a little smug at times, and some of the material is bad, but other times it's pretty funny.

There is a laid back "Flight of the Conchords" vibe to this show (for the record, I like Flight a lot).

It's better than Comedy Central's other "sketch show", Mind of Mencia. That hack should be kicked off the air immediately.



besides demetri martin was on FOTC for a few episodes
