Canned laughter?
Most of the laughs on this show are fake
shareIt seems like they've dialed back on the laugh track, if "Chairs" is any indication.
Wake up, sheeple! - BHG
I think the only time they use it is when he presses the "button" on the cue cards. If you look at the audience when he tells a joke they look like they're laughing. Compare that to Chocolate News, where you barely see the audience and hear a very obvious laugh track, because no one with a functioning brain would laugh at that *beep*
To Bill Brasky...BILL BRASKY!
Are you sure they've dialed it back? I think that even the laugh track can't bring itself to laugh at this crap.
"Goodbye, you big, beautiful, blue bitch."
I think the canned laughs are during the sketches, as those aren't live. Otherwise, I get the impression that the audience is into the show.
Film critic for small magazine.
his stand up style goes over well with crowds, but tehre is zero chance anyone is laughing at the sketches, they are brutal and its the same laugh track almost every time