assuming that it's not cancelled, because I haven't seen anything supporting that idea, does anyone know when it's coming back on air? I know the season just ended but it was so short...
I'm rather annoyed with Comedy Central as it seems they've dropped the ball again. The format of this show was their idea, they approached Martin with it. If they weren't happy with the results, they should give Martin some feedback and let him retool the show.
I haven't seen anything about the future of the show, but that it's now been relegated to filling occasional 2 AM slots isn't very promising. That sucks because despite of all the no-life jacka$$es who insist on posting here about how much they hate Martin, the show has a lot of promise, and some of those skits were pretty damn funny. The reason that CC approached Martin about this show in the first place is because of viewer response to his Person special, so it's not that he can't attract an audience.