This Show Blows!!!!

Why oh Why is this show on Air...
It's the worst show i have ever seen..
It's not even funny one bit.
Bring back "Mind Of Mencia"..Demetri Martin is not even funny..
even Tosh.0's Daniel Tosh Thinks this show blows


I'd rather they bring back the plague that wiped out half of Europe, than have Mencia back on the air. what a talentless *beep* hack he was.

I like this show tho, it's not stellar, but if I smoke a bunch of chronic before hand, I tend to crack up at a lot of the things on here.

If anything they should cancel South Park. That show has overstayed its' welcome for far too long. the last 3 seasons have been god awful. always trying(and failing) to make fun of recent fads, or events, while not actually having anything original or funny to say

I watched the season premiere last week and didn't laugh a single *beep* time, didn't even smirk, in fact I totally forgot what the episode was about because it was so awful. that new show Ugly Americans is much funnier than anything I saw on South Park.


mind of mencia was terrible! tosh.0 is terrible, so who cares what Daniel Tosh thinks about this show.

This isn't the type of show a person should just jump into - they should watch some of Demetri's stand-up to see if his sense of humor matches theirs. If it doesn't, then they're not going to like this show.

That being said, as a Demetri Martin fan, I like this show - the only problem is his sketches, everything else is awesome. But it's still watchable for me (it's not a chore for me to watch it).

Next time I see you, I chop you head!


I don't like Daniel Tosh but at least I can stand to watch him, Carlos Mencia and Demetri Martin are both terrible to the point where I get angry just watching them try to do their "comedy".
