7.9/10 !!!!!!
Come on! When will some trained eyes put there vote on this movie. It's a bad movie that actually ended up pretty decent for once. Its one of those movies that can fool you that it is a good movie, but only if you dont give it your full attention. Why this movie isn't a 9 or a 10 is obvious, but to explaine whyt it's not a 6 or a 7 is harder, and really hard if english aren't your first language.
I give the movie 5/10, and thats not too bad. If a movie has over 8 you can be pretty sure its a quality movie, but between 7-8 and it can be a bad movie here on Imdb.
Why make this movie? For me it's important that you can feel in a movie that; this and this happens and then Porter is forced to fight. But in this movie the filmmakers thinks; We must have they fight scenes, how do we get there quick and easy. - Come on people lets focus on the fighting! Just throw in all the usual clichés and we can get on with all fight scenes.