
After they told me it was as good as OZ.

Seriously, you want a good prison show/movie - watch an episode of OZ. Leagues ahead of this movie.

"I am Jack's cold sweat."


Naw, you probably loved Oz for one reason and one reason only: about 2 to 5 graphic, drawn-out male nude scenes per episode, wheras "Felon" had just one very mild one.


The only reason he could have liked Oz was the male nudity. It's kind of odd that someone brings up Oz and the first thing you think of is the male nudity. Maybe it's you that enjoyed all the male nudity in Oz.


It was an effing joke, dumbo. Read my posting again, then one more time and then again if it doesn't sink in.

You've done some bad things, sweetie.


Sarcasm really doesn't translate well on IMDb boards. It's even harder to tell when there are people that stupid posting on these boards.
