> fewer checks and balances <
Can you imagine getting on the wrong side of the army, some judge, some politician and you happen to be locked up in a Mexican jail? Can you even imagine giving some Commie general an inadvertent 'dirty' look, or 'evil-eye'? You'd be lucky to get a show trial. And everyone fawns over the Chicoms.
The administrators use the gangs, the factions, the rapes, the attacks and murders. But the simpler solution, and which many have called for, is the isolation route. There's less need - not none, but far less - to divide and conquer with these brutal schemes if each prisoner is kept in isolation, and in isolation from all others. Yes, it would drive some absolutely insane. That's the other side of it.
The fact is, the 'Brotherhood' or nations or whatever didn't exist until fairly recently. Administrators allowed this to happen. And prison gangs don't necessarily reflect that status of gangs outside the walls. But there is opportunistic cooperation. The idea of the Brotherhoods dealing with the Mexican gangs is pretty much how it's reported, as fact, in CA prisons and elsewhere. So too the notion of competing black gangs, as well, smaller, and not nearly as well organized or large on the outside particularly compared with the Mexican, specifically. And there have been stings of corrupt guards - to say the least.
The problem is, even if you made a film more sympathetic to the guards, and to some extent Felon tries to be, it's not the 'bad evil' guards you'd discover but again these things which really are illegal designed to divide and conquer when prisoners are allowed to communicate and congregate in large groups. And these are put there by prison authorities. And everyone looks the other way.
Yes, people look the other way at so much in society. Joe's over there making money with his 'triple-A' sub-prime (a euphemism for those who shouldn't have qualified for a loan) bundle and no one wants to rock the boat until INEVITABLY someone 'discovers' - hey, those aren't triple-As, and no 'insurance' is going to make it so. And yet - this is what people did. They all looked the other way. They look even further away if you mention the prison system. They let Leno tells jokes about it by way of deterrence. Go in, you'll be a monster when you leave, he says - so mind your manners.
Still, this idea of a conspiracy of guards shooting down prisoners in staged fights goes one step too many, I think. I've not heard of such routinized 'games' where frequently prisoners wind up being shot. Staging such contests, maybe - but gunning 'em down? Redford was in an odd little prison film with Gandolfini as the 'bad guard'. And they liked the shoot-em-up there. It's a cliche.