
Hey all. Sampson was my favorite character in this brilliant movie but i had a question about him. I know next to nothing about gangs or about prison for that matter, but my curiosity was aroused when i noticed Sampson didn't have a single tattoo on him that I could see. Is this a realistic case? It seems even the lowest of minions are nearly covered in them and he didn't have any while he was calling the shots. Is there some sort of significance in a leader having or not having tattoos?


Newport Pleasure


Snowman explains something about that to Porter when they are on the bus before Sampson kills his victim, He says something about Sampson being out of the radar because of his lack of tattoos, and that he is someone special in the nazi gang, and the police can't prove his crimes or involvement.

I don't remember exactly what Snowman said about Sampson, but it was something like that.


yep, the reply is correct - it was mentioned on the bus, he said he was a a 'sleeper' kind of akin to an old, plain looking pedestrian car, that would draw no attention, but under the hood is souped up and could outperform all other cars on the road

H is pronounced Aitch NOT Haitch !


Samson. No "p".


When in California prison, whether you belonged to a gang or not on the street, you are immediately affiliated by race. It'sactually kind of amazing; even people that belong to enemy gangs on the street end up having to become allies in prison because their skin is the same color. Everything is sectioned off by race, housing, tables, yard, phones, showers, toilets, etc. EVERYTHING!! You must abide by those rules or get checked. In order to survive in CDCR you pretty much have to click up with some organization(gang). There are a very few exceptions. If you get approached by a group that shows interest in you joining their ranks, you dont have a choice, you CAN NOT decline. If you are disinterested, that will make your life pretty miserable, or better yet, take it as a sign of disrespect and happily check you or close your eyes for you forever. In regards to this movie, a lot of the younger guys that come to prison have been in the system since they were kids. They've put in the work to be jumped in and are eager to do whatever the shot callers ask of them, and I mean ANYTHING. If you're asked and don't do, then you are going to be the one who gets "green lit" and be beatento a pulp or killed. What happens to a lot of the younger guys is they end up in prison for a fairly small crime and are sentenced to ten years or less. They get to prison and are asked to take someone out. If they don't, they're killed, if they do, they're dead anyways because they're sentence will sky rocket. And shot callers look for the guys who are young, dumb, and full of c**. This movie is actually one, if not, the most realistic and truth telling movie about prison in California. All I have to say is, don't do absolutely anything that can get you put in that system. Regardless of how much time you do, if you're put in the California Criminal Justice system, the likely hood of you ever having a normal life is slim to none. Whether you die in prison, pick up a more serious charge, or do your bid and get out; expect to go back. Being on parole is designed to make you fail and then violated and sent back. An 80% recidivism rate isn't exaggerated. It's just plain sad.
