MovieChat Forums > Clerks III (2022) Discussion > Nowhere near as funny as the first two..

Nowhere near as funny as the first two..

While there were some funny parts in this, half the jokes in the movies were just rehashes of old jokes. I really didn't need to see the original Clerks remade.


It might not have been as funny as the first two, but it didn't need to be. There was a lot more drama and emotion in this one compared to the last two movies.


Who was asking for drama to be in a Clerks film? That's not what it started out as. Thankfully, there was only a little drama in the 2nd one, which gave way to what Clerks was about: angst and crude jokes.

This new one was pretty terrible.


Clerks and Clerks 2 had dramatic scenes. I had no problem with having dramatic scenes in this movie, but rather how they were executed. First, they killed off characters just to create drama. Second, the drama overwhelmed the movie's comedy.


True, I guess thinking back there's some drama with the Veronica/Caitlin stuff, but that's not what makes it's classic to me. And you're right about the drama overwhelming everything this time around.

Even now thinking about it a couple days later, I'm still let down. I'd like to read the abandoned script that Jeff Anderson wouldn't sign on for.


When I said drama, I was thinking more of the end in both movies when Dante and Randal go at it. I thought those were well-written scenes. The drama in this movie just seemed forced by needlessly killing off Becky and then Dante.



You talk about Clerks 2 as if it doesn't suck


It's not as good as the first, but I still really like it. I'm hard-pressed to think of a comedy from the 2000s that I like more. They could've left out the donkey scene and some of Randal's more over-the-top dialogue.


Clerks 2 was a pretty solid sequel. Most sequels suck




Yeah I sort of laughed once but rest of the attempts at humor did not work - in quite a few scenes I felt cringe at what the actors were saying

This movie should not have even been made. The magic that Smith once had is long gone
