How does a A Division train ...
How does a A division train like the #6 end up in Coney island. It can't. I mention this because I worked on the 6 Train for 20 years and one of my trains my trains was the 123 for a while. The A division trains gauge is different, Coney island is B division where the gauge is bigger. You cannot put a A division train on a B Division track. The trains are huge.
B Division trains have 4 doors A only 3. The IRT is A Division and much older then the IND and BMT. The reason the A Division trains have such a small gauge is because of the robber barons which were around when the subway was build.
I think this was a big goof that the director should of gotten right. Too many people ride the subways in NYC and there are too many train buffs who would know that is a big mistake. Also a Dispatcher would never operate a train ,they do not know how to, Operators and Conductors is in the Transportation division, TD are station. They have to go to school to learn how to operate a train. Scott was real lazy about this flick.