Implausible scene

I checked first all the subject listings to see if anyone started this subject but no one did, so I will. Here is one scene I didn't buy: The Mayor was riding the subway when we first see him. Hello? He doesn't have a car or a limo? No Mayor will do that ever, EVER, EVER! *beep* EVER, okay? It is so obvious why-the safety issues. Forget 9/11, it was even this way before that. Name me one other mayor who did that. (Deafening silence)


Actually, the last Mayor of London (Ken Livingstone) was very proud of the fact that he used London Transport to get around the City, and especially the Tube.

The current Mayor (Boris Johnson) prefers to cycle. ;o)


Okay, that's in England. I'm talking about AMERICA!!!!!


I believe Vice President Joe Biden is a pretty well known train rider as well.

--push pause!


Ummm...the current Mayor of NYC, Mike Bloomberg rides the subway to City Hall just about every day. He's surrounded by security, of course. But he rides. That's why he hates transit workers so much. All regular riders do.


Sucks to be you.


you're an IDIOT


How so?


The scene clearly establishes that he is riding the subway as a PR sorta thing. I didn't find it that implausible at all.
What I found quite astounding from this scene was when that other official dude got on the train and just yelled out to the whole car that there was a hijacked train. Really dude? A little tact, lower your voice. Naw, let's cause a panic. But it's New York, in a movie, so everyone was like, "yeah, whatever, I'm gonna be late for work!"


It was a PR move and the mayor hated it. He even said it was the last time. He wanted to be seen as "one of the people".

The really implausible scene was Denzel going after the big bad guy when he had the option to get away from the gang in safety.
