Unbelievably stupid villain(spoilers, but who gives a shit)
So the bad guy see's three rando teenagers murdering him at some point in the future, believes he can alter the future, but he goes about doing it in the stupidest way possible. When he finds them, they don't have powers, don't know each other, and don't know him, so there is currently no reason for them to be together and killing him some day...until he repeatedly goes after them and makes all those things happen!
He's supposed to be a billionaire( I think) so he just as easily could have bought his way onto their good sides and removed any reason to kill him.
Or even better, he knows he dies in his New York building, so just don't be there and move to LA.
and to top it off, the movie doesn't even follow through on this and it was Dakota that killed him for some reason! Awful!