MovieChat Forums > Hamlet 2 (2008) Discussion > Dull Board for Amazing Movie!

Dull Board for Amazing Movie!

Where are all the fans of Hamlet 2?? Come on! This was such an amazingly funny movie! We need more threads and such.

How about a magic trick? - The Joker
All hail Shyamalan, Nolan, W. Smith, Z. Deschanel


I agree, we need a Dana Marschz on this board. Someone to come in and say "Hey, you *beep*ing bastards!"

I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd.


I thought this was one of the best movies i've seen in recent memory. I thought some of the jokes were a bit beyond the pale, but you'll never get a great movie by playing it safe. One of my favorite lines is
(Marschz skates into classroom with a box of scripts): Hey, guys, guess what I got?
student: Your head outa your ass?
Marschz (still smiling): NO!!
It's really hard to make a movie like this work, and the fantastic stage scenes at the end felt really sincere, like a play i would have like to have seen, even though i'm totally not into theatre. I've been humming "Someone saved my life tonight" all week, it's driving me a bit nuts. At least i'm not singing "R---d in the face!"


Yeah, I'm listening to the soundtrack as I type this! I think "What It's Like" has a really good social message.

I love this dialogue:

Marschz: What's your name?

Octavio: Heywood.

Marschz: Heywood...?

Octavio: Heywood Jablowme!

and when they're discussing ways to raise money:

Student 1: Hold a bake sale?

Marschz: Not enough dough, pun intended!

Student 2: Knock over a 7-Eleven?

Marschz: Not a bad idea, but 7-Elevens aren't as vulnerable as they used to be, don't ask how I know that!

I'm trying, Ringo. I'm trying real hard to be the shepherd.



I found a lot of similar complaints about the acting in Gran Torino, but sometimes, the crappier the acting, within reason of course, the more it rings true to life. Remember high school? I was there in the early 80s, and it was not like Ferris Bueller's day off, where it was one great line after another, it was a bunch of messed up kids who were all at different stages of growing up. Not bad people, just really weird. So when i see weird moody inept teenagers in movies, it's not a big deal, it's expected.


Honestly, it took a while before I could finally appreciate this film. On first viewing, it does not look like a comedy. (To be fair, I just caught a few snippets on HBO and kept changing channels. I caught Elizabeth Shue and I thought this was a serious film. Plus I didn't recognize Steve Coogan.) Then it was up again last Tuesday, and hell it was the eve of Steve's b-day, I just learned. The play was so bad, it was damn funny. One of the funniest thing I've seen.


I loved this movie, and I don't love easily. (Well, fine -- I do, but not the point.) I also thought it would have more of a following. I thought "Raped in the Face" was awesome -- couldn't stop singing it.


The writing was definitely the best part of the movie. There were some lines in there that were great, and the wife character had some pretty good lines when ripping on Dana or Gary.

"Even my parents called me Mulder" -Fox Mulder


I love this film! I have seen it at least 15 times!n So great!


I loved this movie. It was hillarious. I've seen it 3 times and it gets better and better each time. Yes this is a dull post but I tried!
