You make bold claims. There isn't more "proof" for Jesus than for Alexander the great and Caesar. That's simply not true, since the Bible itself cannot be considered hard proof, since it's considered "fictional" in large parts, especially the Old Testament (by that I mean that a lot of the bible stories are metaphorical and that it often probably shouldn't be read literal since then the stories make no sense). I know that some people read the bible literally, word by word, but most people don't.
There are a lot of evidence in the very changes Alexander the great and Caesar brought upon the world around them, and this is hard to dispute. Jesus mainly changed things with his words. It's his words that people still remember. His actions can be disputed (the "miracles" and such) but his words still ring true to christians and many non-christians alike. The problem is, however that his words differ slightly between the gospels. Jesus' dying words, for example come in three different versions depending on the gospel. This COULD be interpreted as Jesus not being one man, but a compilation of many different people, since there where so many people around that time claiming to be the son of God.
I don't believe that, though. I think he existed, and that some of the authors simply might have taken a few liberties when writing about them.
You point is still valid, although I think you overstate it by saying that there are more proof of Jesus than of Alexander, which is simply not true. Your points about Plato and such people ring more true to me, since we can't be sure who said what and who might have been invented afterwards (as with Homer, who according to some historians might not even have existed). But yes, saying you are sure that Jesus didn't exist is the same as saying you are sure Aristotle, Homer or any other such figure didn't exist. How could anyone possibly know that? And since there are more evidence pointing to the fact that most of these people, including Jesus, existed, it is more logical to assume that he did. So to me, this is not a huge debate. I'm just annoyed by the fact that some people are so sure he DID exist they argue as stupidly as those who say for a fact he didn't. You, on the other hand, argue like a sane person, and for that I'm grateful.