Who were those guys?

The ones on the plane who end up in Vegas. What did they have to do with anything else in the picture?


To me they sum up the movie in a way:
They represent a group - or a part of society that

1. are concerned with the economy and are trying to
make money and

2. when they arrive in Vegas they seem to be partying with
escorts - which I think shows us the broader view of what
the movie is about.



Well one of the guys was Chris, Chelsea's boyfriend. A lot of their conversations on the plane directly relate to the relationship problems occurring between Chris and Chelsea, it just is not so obvious for the first few scenes on the plan because we are unaware of the break up.


A bunch of rich guys who paid for Chris' company. Not sure why though, maybe they enjoy keeping him around like some sort of pet.

Not thàt much different from what Chelsea is doing, except for the sex part.

To me this movie is about rich people thinking money can buy them anything and the long-term impact on those who go along with it, thinking it's an easy buck.

Faith means making a virtue out of not thinking. - Bill Maher

