totally awful

This film is a piece of crap. It is just awful. What is the plot? Whatever it is, it is boring. It is pretentious and full of itself. I can sense those involved thought it was so artsy and so peppered with current political references. Are we supposed to be interested and intrigued by the escort? She comes across as vapid, emotionless, and dull.
It's one of the worst films ever made. I saw it on TW cable in NYC: On Demand.


I couldn't agree more. This film was simply terrible. The storyline was disjointed in an vaguely Sex and Lucia manner, but failed to deliver any of the emotional or artistic engagement. It was ultimately confusing and extremely boring. There was absolutely zero character depth/development. Watching this movie angered me so much I actually wanted to go find a real hooker and bludgeon her.


Breakfast at Tiffany's ?

I just saw the trailer and thought it tried to pull of that vibe



well i can tell sasha gray is anything but sexually awkward in her prons ;)


"I agree...Sasha Gray was supposed to come as "aloof and sophisticated" and great at sex..but she was actually just charmless, boring and sexually akward."

She was "supposed to" be "great at sex?" Since when? I don't remember anything having to do with her sexual ability in the film. Did you even see it?

"I can't imagine anyone actually paying the amount of money they allegedly paid to sleep with or spend time with an escort who barely speaks and seems completely detached."

You don't get out much, do you?



"Ummm...she plays a highly-paid prostitute? Did *you* even see it? "

Of course I saw it and just for the record, it was fairly well presented that her character was paid for her time more than anything. Do you even remember her documenting her activities with her clients? How much of that was even about sex?

High-end call-girls are generally paid to spend time with clients (as portrayed in this film). They spend the night, they go out, they go on trips. There's SO much more to it than sex, and really, she was never, ever depicted in the film as having some over the top sexual ability.

Please point out which part of the film it was indicated out she was known for or paid for some overt sexual prowess.


I'll have to agree, I liked the overall style and cinematography of the film but I really had no idea about what kind of plot they we're doing, first it seemed linear then it looked like they we're doing a reversed storyline, then right towards the middle of the third act there was a new love interest thrown in there.

The movie is a lot like the lead, very pretty but very little under the foundation.


"The movie is a lot like the lead, very pretty but very little under the foundation."

Which is essentially mirroring the point of the story, isn't it?



Based on the response in this message board, the film sucks (pun intended)...yet it has a 9.0 rating...which implies that someone connected with the film is influencing the voting.

I realize they want to make their money back and all but...sad.


Crash got 8.1. Anything overall 7 is suppose to be pretty good. I don't think a movie without a decent plot should get over a 7.0 rating. IMDB has gone "Amazon."


It was somewhat "pretty to look at" but ultimately , a let down & waste of time.
Sasha Gray's character was flat and colourless, she basically traipsed around shopping for/wearing designer duds and looking downwards in most of her scenes.I
could have cared less what happened to any of the characters. Don't understand the IMDb love for this flick (per the voting) but hey..whatevah..


I guess I'll be the first to disagree. From the trailer, I thought the film would be very atmospheric (like Soderbergh's Bubble) but it ended up being very dialog and plot-driven. I thought the writing and cinematography were fantastic. Acting was pretty good too. I'm not sure how there could be more of a plot here. Unless you wanted constant confrontation between her and her boyfriend, but this isn't supposed to be melodramatic. I was very surprised and I would recommend it to most people with a decent attention span.





"Are we supposed to be interested and intrigued by the escort? She comes across as vapid, emotionless, and dull."
By saying this, you're exactly like what you think you're criticizing. Movies aren't always about plot, plot and plot. This sounds like the classical cliché of the average American movie watcher...



well, the title seems to indicate a form of bonding between the escort and her clients who may never experience thru the spouses.

how is sasha gray awkward sexually if there are minimal sexual scenes.

i am guessin you are a female ;) how would u act as a girlfriend ? ;)




The title comes from what type of escort she is. There are escorts who specialize "the girlfriend experience". But I agree, the guys who pay her for her time are looking for something they are not getting at home, which isn't always sexual, since in one scene she says she doesn't even have sex with one of her clients. And I don't think her clients really mind the way she acts if they keep making appointments.

"Wow I'm sore, I mean physically, not like a guy whose angry in a 1950's movie."


Its not a piece of crap, it has great cinematography and It takes you into what it is like to be a prostitute, where you have to emotionally protect yourself at all times. Is it the greatest film ever, in my opinion no, but an interesting one none the less.
