What's a Q tip ?

Just curious, what's Q tip ?
In the film, Chelsea talked about some pervert who asked her to put a Q tip in her you-know-what. So am curious to know what is it. Anyone ?


You must have really dirty ears. Use Google.






Found out about it already. It's a cotton swab.

Protect Mother Earth, It's the only place we can live in.


So ... why is that so distressing?!


reasonformirrors, you took the time to reply but not to answer?

A cotton swab is only known in North America as a q tip due to branding.
The rest of the world knows differently.


Point taken on the branding. However, the op still could have easily Googled this information instead of posting it here.




Aw man, I can't believe reasonformirrors totally missed the irony of him behaving like a teenage girl.

He disrespects the op for not taking the time to use Google instead of posting a question on a message board (the horror)...

Yet he takes the time to hang *beep* on the op without being decent enough to offer an adult response.

Ah, the bravery of being ignorant and arrogant behind a keyboard on the internet.


Aw man, I can't believe Crucible65 totally missed the irony of him using words like "decent" and "adult" while making a sexist and ageist remark, and bothering to insult someone on the internet in some pointless argument from 3 months ago that he decided to rehash.

He comes to the defense of the op, some stranger behind a keyboard on the internet, whom he says I disrespected (the horror)...getting all melodramatic and jumping in to start an argument "like a teenage girl."

Who are you, Crucible65? Some basement-dwelling vigilante, scouring the internet, making sure justice is served. Get a life, mate.

The op is stupid enough to type out several sentences on a message board and wait for a response, rather than Googling it and getting an answer in 2 seconds. Sorry, but that type of ignorance isn't something that deserves a response. I'd be careful about defending such a line of reasoning. Makes you look just as stupid.

Ah, the bravery of being sexist, ageist, and hypocritical behind a keyboard on the internet.

Now I'm going away and I will never return to this pointless argument. Please don't rehash it. If you do, don't expect a response. I just wanted you to know how stupid you're making yourself look. Have a good life, internet superhero.




You are ALL idiots here falling to the same trap here on IMDb. The question is is meant to be a joke... whoever answers is the real idiot... hence my idiotic answer a couple of posts back.


ROFLMAO...this is literally the best internet response i have seen in a long time...bravo mate :)...


Also in germany it's known as a Q-Tip. Maybe somewhere else too!?


i assumed he wanted to test her for an std which would explain her reaction to his request


It was not to test her for STDs. Were that the case, he likely would just have asked her to produce a recent AIM/STD test.

He wanted to taste the Q-tip (after she used it on herself) to see if she was fresh "down there." If you watch the alternate cut on the DVD, he goes into more detail about this and spells it out in no uncertain terms.


thank you thank you thank you moviemoose-1
The way she was so upset about it I knew there was some subtext that I just wasn't getting but I couldn't wrap my head around it. Your explanation makes PERFECT sense - he was "reviewing" her so he needed to sample all of her. Random gross thought... what if he had asked her to use one of those sample spoons from the ice cream parlor??? eeuuwwww.


Thank you for posting this. I was really confused about that. I still don't understand why he would want to do that.

Voting History: http://www.imdb.com/mymovies/list?l=26598711


Q-Tip is the frontman of the rap group "A Tribe Called Quest". He went solo and released a couple of albums with great commercial success.


lol- and also correct!


If you can't hear it, then get the wax utensils.
I write my rhymes straight up, don't give it no fancy stencils


For the OP, here i found this in the FAQ section detailing the differences between the theatrical version compared to the uncut one.

Alternative Footage
43:55-43:58 / 42:38-43:37

The most remarkable change: In the AC, Glenn's explanation of the "Erotic Connoisseur" makes it clear, why Chelsea came back from her conversation with him quite disgusted.
He gives her a Q-Tip and asks her to stick it up her vagina and wants thus to taste if she keeps it fresh.

More exact:
"Here I have a new, hygienic, lovely Q-tip. And maybe...to get a better sense of something, you could take this Q-tip and swab it a bit on your treasure part...give it to me, whereupon I will take a little taste, and in this fashion, I will be able to discern whether your treasure part tastes like fresh maple syrup poured onto a hot-off-the-griddle piece of French toast on the one hand, or...a salt lick doused in chlorine on the other. You see, this is the thing. This is the kind of wordplay, the kind of vivid verbal imagery, that makes The Connoisseur the connoisseur."

