MovieChat Forums > The Girlfriend Experience (2009) Discussion > Blah blah blah the economy blah blah bla...

Blah blah blah the economy blah blah blah

I'm surprised this did pretty well with critics. Yuck.

I wanted to turn it off when they started talking astrology. Kill me now I thought, but I stuck with it.

It just wasn't good.



I feel like they said "economy" in this more times than they said *beep* in Pulp Fiction.

"Oh it's a masterpiece that shows what people were going through at the time" people say - NO. It's just vague BS all the way through. No one has anything real or interesting to say about anything.

The narrative goes nowhere - a conclusion to ANY of the potential plot threads would have started to redeem the film, but in the end there's just nothing of merit.

I love how when an established director does this sort of thing it's "experimental" and "genius" - but if someone else made a movie with long takes of people flubbing their lines or just looking vacant and bored, most of the scenes either showing the person who shouldn't be the focus, or with god-awful lighting... It would get immediately written off, and rightly so.

This is basically an anti-movie. An anti-story, and so I'm left wondering what exactly it's supposed to be enjoyed as.


so I'm left wondering what exactly it's supposed to be enjoyed as.

A slice of life?

I enjoyed that aspect.


the people complaining about the economy were rich enough to drop a couple grand for a girlfriend experience for a few hours/days. think about it. it's the ultimate in hypocrisy and greed. all that talk about the economy just shows how vapid and power hungry some people are. they can't have meaningful relationships because they all love money first and foremost. that's why they all pay for a hooker to pretend to love them. it's sad. even when they're with this fake girlfriend, what do they do? for the most part, they talk about money and their anxieties about money! if you paid all that money for a girlfriend for a limited amount of time, wouldn't you be ****ing her brains out or taking her to the movies or something that most romantic couples do with one another? these men who paid for her services all obviously missed the point. even with their families, they still didn't understand nor could fake a real relationship with another human being.
