i agree with this, however, before the whole vegas thing even popped up, i always had this feeling he was gay-- and not because of what some of the other posters said in this thread. i felt that he was gay and with sasha's character because he, too, wanted an emotional relationship like many of the men she escorts. and so did she. they had a very strong friendship... one that would survive the jealousy of her being a call girl. notice how sasha's character was jealous that he was going to go to vegas without her, but we never see any jealousy from chris. as a matter of fact, chris is super supportive of sasha's character and cheers her on! no, chris had something going on with him... something unspoken and it was painfully obvious. this is probably why sasha's character wanted to leave him for a client as well. she knew that, deep down, chris and her were living a lie. she wanted more. she wanted the true girlfriend experience, ironically enough.